2019 Installation of Officers

2019 Installation of Officers

On January 5th, 2019, Worshipful Robert Grbavac and the following officers were installed in their offices for the year: Master: Robert Grbavac Senior Warden: Ken Stanford Junior Warden: Lon Peek III Treasurer: Al Shifberg-Mencher Secretary: Glen West Chaplain: Mark...
Lodge Christmas Party 2010

Lodge Christmas Party 2010

The Lodge’s annual Christmas Party was held on December 19th, 2010. In addition to carols, games, and a visit from Santa, there was a cookie baking contest that was ultimately won by Heather Percival. Tags: Alyssa Bloomquist, Bruce Latham, Chris Percival, Chuck...
74th Annual Deep Pit Barbeque

74th Annual Deep Pit Barbeque

The lodge hosted its 74th Annual Deep Pit Barbeque at Lake Park on Sunday, August 2nd, 2009. That year, the Junior Warden in charge of the event was Wayne Caverly. Tags: Adam Buttons, Alyssa Bloomquist, Art Dukellis, Barbeque, Ben Quintero, Brant Russell, Brian...