2015 Installation of Officers

2015 Installation of Officers

On January 10th, 2015, Worshipful Lamond Byrd and the following officers were installed in their offices for the year: Master: Lamond Byrd Senior Warden: Glen West Junior Warden: Evan Strand Assistant Secretary: John Hix Chaplain: Robert GrbavacJunior Deacon: Jesse...
Initiation of Eric Sierras and Darrell Freeman

Initiation of Eric Sierras and Darrell Freeman

On May 12th, 2010, Eric Sierras and Darrell Freeman were Initiated Entered Apprentice Masons. Tags: Brant Russell, Charles Harrell, Craig Reade, Darrell Freeman, Eric Sierras, Ian Anderson, Jason Curnyn, Jim Sunseri, John Hix, Ken Stanford, Mike Tugwell, Raymond...